Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Featured!! on artist Anahata Katkin's blog!

So incredibly honored to be featured over on artist Ahahata Katkin's blog! So surreal as I've been a big fan of her work and Papaya! for years. annnddd we're collaborating! The overwhelming beauty and spirit of this brand gets me inspired on so many levels.

Check it out at http://anahata.typepad.com/my_weblog/2014/06/the-eclectic-photographer-feda-eid.html

If you haven't already go see her daily musing on instagram and her website.
If you like this card and pretty stationary/art with an uplifting message browse the Papaya website and be amazed!

Much love,


  1. Feda, it's wonderful and much deserved! Congratulations!! Love your blog and art, and love Anahata's art, and my Papaya! bag with the same image. :) Hugs!

    1. Thank you dear Natalia! I love the connection we have with this card/your bag! I'm grateful for your beautiful presence! xx

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