Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Hello 2014! Sparkle. You were meant to shine!


Hello 2014!

I can't believe another year has passed. I'm so grateful for 2013, and all of it's personal struggles and successes that I've experienced. I have learned so much about myself, about what I love, and what it's like to create art that I'm so proud of. In 2013 I started and completed project life 365, a photo a day project where I explored the world around me and the world within me. I took 365 photos exploring different themes, from nature, to the people and places around me, as well as plenty of self portraits! I will be sharing a small video with some of my favorites from the series later on this week with some reflections on the project as a whole. This image was sparkle for day 364 and one of my favorites of the year!

Throughout project life I realized how much I loved looking into my own emotions and creating images from them. I collected these images in a series that I called Project Introspection. You can see the collection on my website here. Through these self portraits, and the connections I made throughout the year, I gained quite a following on instagram. By the end of the year I had over 1,000 people following my instagram. That may be a small number for some but it was sooo HUGE for me. So huge that for a week I had anxiety everytime I uploaded an image onto my feed. I was overwhelmed that THAT many people found something interesting about me. I never imagined people would like what I do and even be inspired to pursue their own dreams because of my images and words. Thank you to everyone who has liked, commented and supported my journey in one way or another. It has meant the world to me and I'm truly grateful to all of you!!

For 2014 I want to continue this exploration of self through style, fashion photography, self- portraits and personal projects. My focus is on growing my creative spirit and vision and sharing it with all of you. I'm choosing this year to follow my intuition and trust that the wind that flows beneath my wings will guide me. I'm not sure where it will all take me, but I'm really feeling the "I don't have a plan" thing. Plans always have a way of changing and I don't want to have any expectations. I just want to do and create, NO THINKING, just more doing! I believe we're all meant to shine in our own unique ways. I'm done doing things because of what society or people think of it. I ditched the voice in my head that says I can't, that says you're not good enough, or you don't have what you need, the voice that has nothing to do with me. We all have potential that far surpasses what are brains can comprehend. At the end of the day I have my own moral compass to answer to, and that's the voice I want to hear more from. So I'll be listening, creating, and taking in the beautiful view along the way.

Much love, Feda

P.S. I will be doing more photography posts, adventures, and reflections throughout the week that I have not blogged about from 2013. Hoping to catch up with all of 2013 by the end of January!

Also, if you don't follow me on instagram, please do! I share little tidbits of my life, things i'm inspired by, things I'm currently reading, and lots of photos :) My profile: @fedfooda

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