Monday, March 16, 2015


“I sit before flowers hoping they will train me in the art of opening up 
I stand on mountain tops believing that avalanches will teach me to let go
I know nothing but I am here to learn.”
Shane Koyczan

"As you change your point of view, your views bring about a change in you." George Alexiou

"Wherever you are, you're in the right place. So let yourself enjoy the view." Unknown

Mountains have a way of putting you in your place. It's amazing how seeing from a different view can put things into perspective. You feel quite small and humble in the scope of things. They take my breath away while simultaneously giving me the exact breath of fresh air I need.

I took these on the way back from a mini vacation we took to New Hampshire a few weeks ago for our anniversary. Most of them were taken driving by but some were also taken at stops along the way to take it all in. We had a great time exploring, skiing and enjoying each others company in a different environment. I often crave seeing with new eyes and I always feel a strong pull towards mountains so this hit the spot. Hope you enjoy a small piece of what I brought back with me :)

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