Thursday, February 26, 2015

Winter. Spring. Blanck & White. Contrast.

“Earth teach me to forget myself as melted snow forgets its life. Earth teach me resignation as the leaves which die in the fall. Each teach me courage as the tree which stands all alone. Earth teach me regeneration as the seed which rises in the spring." William Alexander

"There are dark shadows on the earth, but its lights are stronger in the contrast.” Charles Dickens

I realized that I have been experiencing a lot of contrasts lately. It's been a long winter in Boston. We've had record snowfall with lots and lots of shoveling. I don't hate snow, I actually enjoy the seasons in New England, but it can test your patience when it's week after week of snow piling up with no place to put it. That along with some of the incredibly ugly things happening around the world had me feeling some pretty low lows. Winter blues started to take on a different tone this year and I was having trouble working through it all.

I do feel that without the bad, in contrast you can't appreciate the good. I mean without winter do you really appreciate when spring finally arrives? There is beauty in all the stages but we have to be wise enough to trust and know that it will pass. Without the lows you can't appreciate the highs and everything in between. It is a process and a cycle just like nature.

I've actually been wanting to photograph this outfit for some time. Once I got through some of the mental block that had been piling up, I mustered up the courage and just did it. It felt sooo amazing to do this little outfit post for ME. The mind can tire you out and it's important to do things that make you feel good. Things that help you to let things out and express whatever it is inside. For me it's dressing up, putting colors and textures together and creating art on my body. In those moments I can let go and play. What good are you to the world if you're constantly in a negative state of mind?

This outfit was inspired by winter and the awakening of spring. I had fun doing the makeup with this one with pops of pink and yellow. Speaking of contrast, I've been wearing a lot of black and white lately. I was excited when I found this very in trend checkered print vintage dress while thrifting! The outfit is almost all thrifted by the way besides the boots and the jewelry. This scarf is just my favorite ever and I thrifted it last year when Jean from Drossintogold came up to Boston. She gave me some lucky energy that day ;) I'm just sooo in love with the Russian/Eastern European floral prints and I'm not sure if I'll ever get over them. I did an entire editorial with them with an amazing team but it will be some time before I can share anything. The necklace was very kindly gifted to me by Alina of Zamarut Jewel and it added just the right touch of tribal energy along with the ring from Avizeh Jewelry.

My husband Anthony was kind enough to take these for me in the freezing cold. Thankful <3

Fringe coat: Otello Pelle Vintage thrifted
Belt: thrifted unknown
Checkered black and white dress: Appleseed's vintage thrifted
Moto vest: DIY cut jacket thrifted
Boots: Steve Madden Marshalls
Scarf: thrifted unknown - has a stamp on it with 1992 but I can't make out the name
Necklace: Zamarut Jewel
Large blue ring: Avizeh Jewelry
Small round ring: cart in Boston commons
Lipstick: Wet N Wild Liquid Lip Color in Back to the Fuchsia

How has your winter been? How do you overcome the not so pleasant sides of life??
